School education


Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions, aims to support the exchange of experience and good practices, the establishment and expansion of international cooperation and the increase of the capacity of the partner countries, and the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices and/or educational products/approaches.

All public or private organisations/institutions from the EU are eligible to apply for funding under Erasmus+ Key Action 2.

Financial support will be provided for Cooperation Partnerships projects and Small-scale Partnerships projects.


The Cooperation Partnerships action aims at developing or implementing innovative educational products/approaches, their intensive dissemination and exploitation, and the exchange of experience, ideas and good practices.

The Small-scale Partnership projects action aims to support smaller organisations, especially such without previous experience, including participants who are hard to reach through the formal activities in the separate fields of education, allowing them to exchange experience, ideas and good practices and establish international contacts.

Vocational education and training