Vocational education and training

Learning mobility

Learning mobility refers to the travel and stay by an individual in an EU Member State or EU partner countries for the purpose of gaining/sharing experience and/or good practices/training/shadowing at a real-life workplace.

State, public or other organisations/institutions which provide vocational education and training at local, regional and/or national level are eligible to apply for funding in the field of vocational education and training under Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1.

Financial support

Financial support will be provided for short-term projects (applicable to organisations not holding an Erasmus accreditation) and long-term projects (applicable to organisations holding an Erasmus accreditation) for mobility of trainees (pupils/apprentices) and staff (teachers/trainers) in the VET system and other staff concerned with the vocational training and/or the strategic development of the applicant organisation/institution.
