Dear colleagues,
On 18 December 2020, the Center for Human Resources Development (HRDC), in its capacity of National Agency under the Erasmus + Program and the European Solidarity Corps Program of the European Commission, held its
The annual conference was held online for the first time due to the specific health situation in our country, in Europe and around the world. The event was attended by more than 80 participants from Bulgaria, guests and beneficiaries of projects in all sectors of the Erasmus + Program and the European Solidarity Corps Program.
As the most important annual event of HRDC, during which an overview of the activities carried out during the year and the successes achieved in the field of the two European programs in Bulgaria, the Conference was opened by Mr. Petyo Kanev, Executive Director of HRDC. . He made a summary of the achievements in Bulgaria throughout the programming period 2014 – 2020, focusing on the number of beneficiary organizations over the years, the number of direct participants and the amount of European and national funds invested through the two programs in Bulgarian education training, youth and sports. With a sense of satisfaction from what has been achieved and in anticipation of the launch of the new Erasmus + Program 2021-2027, the HRDC team marked the end of the Erasmus + Programming Period 2014-2020, as well as the European Solidarity Corps Program 2018 – 2020.
During the event, an Award Ceremony was held, at which 41 Bulgarian organizations were awarded with a Certificate for overall quality project implementation. Each distinguished institution had the opportunity to make a brief presentation of its project and its most successful good practices.
The program of the event, as well as the names of all awarded organizations, you can see Програма 18.12
During the Conference, the participants were also presented with information on the innovations in the Accompanying Activities administered by the Center for Human Resources Development Centre – Euroguides, eTwinning, Europass, Eurydice, Eurodesk and ECVET as achievements over the years and as new opportunities them and their future work.