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European Language Label

The European Language Label is an initiative of the European Union, promoting foreign language learning. It was introduced by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, in relation to the 1995 White Paper on Life and Learning: Towards a Learning Society. The Commission’s call is for every citizen of the Union to be able to communicate in at least three languages.

In Bulgaria, the European Language Label initiative is managed by the Human Resource Development Centre. The European Language Label was awarded for the first time in 2002.

It is awarded to successful and effective practices and projects in the field of language teaching and learning, regardless of the type of the training organisation or the age of the learners. Initiatives are underway to apply new forms, approaches, creative and rational development of innovative practices. Awarded organisations are entitled to use the logo of the “European Language Label” in their correspondence or in publications and are included in the European Commission’s database.

All institutions and organisations – private and public – that organise language training and have court registration on the territory of Bulgaria have the right to participate in the European Language Label initiative. Candidates should motivate their willingness to participate, explain and justify how their language project fulfils the conditions for participation, and provide a brief explanation of the eligibility criteria.

More information at: http://ec.europa.eu/education/initiatives/language-label_en