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What is Europass?

Five documents that help you to easy and clearly describe your skills and qualifications.

Two of the documents are available for completion by European citizens.

  • The Europass CV helps you to effectively and comprehensively present your skills and qualifications. You can create your CV online using the online manual or download the form, examples, and instructions.
  • The Europass Language Passport is a tool for self-assessment of language skills and qualifications. You can create your Language Passport online using the online manual or download the form, examples and instructions.

Three of the documents are issued by organisations in the field of education and training:

  • The Europass Mobility describes the knowledge and skills acquired in another European country.
  • A supplement to a certificate describes the knowledge and skills acquired by holders of certificates of vocational education and training. This document complements the information contained in the official certificate, making it easier to understand, especially abroad.
  • A supplement to a diploma describes the knowledge and skills acquired by graduates. This document complements the information contained in the official education document, making it easier to understand, especially abroad.

The use and dissemination of the Europass documents is free of charge.

The representative of the initiative in Bulgaria is the Human Resource Development Centre.

We may assist you in filling in your Europass documents. We will be happy to answer your inquiries at europass@hrdc.bg.

More information at: http://europass.hrdc.bg/.