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About us

For 20 years, the Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) has been recognized as a successful national structure for managing European educational programmes. Since 1999, the HRDC is actively involved in the management and implementation of European educational programmes and initiatives. Gradually, the center emerged with its own recognizable image among the national educational community at all levels, not only as an administrator of EU funded programmes, but above all as a platform for exchange of innovative educational methods and good practices to address the challenges arising in the education and training system.

At the end of 2013, the programming and financial period of the European education and training Lifelong Learning Programme, managed by the Human Resource Development Centre as the Bulgarian National Agency, was completed. As recognition and continuation of the high results achieved by the programme, the new European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport “Erasmus+” started its activities as of 1 January 2014.

Together with the implementation of the sectoral programmes Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Grundtvig and Study visits under the Lifelong Learning Programme during the past period, the HRDC has systematically worked on horizontal strategic objectives such as ICT in education (eTwinning), the recognition and validation of skills (Europass and ECVET), the academic recognition and quality in the field of higher education (Bologna process), the development of a national system of career guidance (Euroguidance), practice-based system analyzes in education and training (Eurydice and ReferNet), language learning (European Language Label).

The Human Resource Development Centre is the Erasmus+ National Agency for Bulgaria implementing the Programme during the 2014-2020 period.